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Getting Support at Home

Below are some simple tips and advice for making your life, or your loved ones', more comfortable. We'll all agree having a home that’s clean and tidy can go a long way towards helping you feel happy and healthy.


If you’re no longer able to keep your home as tidy as you’d like, don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Man Eating Breakfast
Scrubbing the Sink
Help around the house

Sometimes just a little support with the housework or gardening means you can enjoy living at home without worrying about how you’ll get everything done.


Help with cleaning

If you could use some help with cleaning, start by asking around for recommendations. You’ll be inviting a new person into your home, so it’s important to find someone you trust.


You could:

• ask your neighbours or local friends for a recommendation

• ask your local Age UK or Age Cymru if it provides a cleaning service or has a list of suggested cleaners

• contact your local council to see if it has a list of approved cleaning agencies.


Make a list of the chores you’d like done and work out how many hours you can afford to pay for. Charges will vary, but you can find out the average cost of cleaners in your area by asking a few different ones for quotes. If you can’t afford to have your whole house cleaned every week, focus on the jobs you find most difficult, such as changing your bed sheets.


Your cleaner might also help with laundry, so do ask if that’s something you need. You could also ask your dry cleaners if they have a delivery service or special rates for older people. Some people offer ironing services in their homes and may be able to pick up your ironing and deliver it back to you.


Help with cooking If you’re finding it difficult to cook, you could buy ready meals from the supermarket, or try one of the specialist companies that provide frozen or chilled meals ready for you to heat up. Some also offer hot meals. You can ring these companies for a catalogue and many have websites with detailed menu and dietary options.


There might also be lunch clubs in your area. Ask your local Age UK or council for details. You could also be eligible for meals on wheels for a small charge if you have particular needs. Contact your local council for an assessment.

Public Transport Passenger
Senior Portrait
Help getting out and about

If getting out to the shops is tricky, see if a volunteer from your local Age UK or the Royal Voluntary Service (RVS) can go with you or even do your shopping for you. You can order shopping online from most supermarkets and have it delivered for a small fee. If ordering online isn’t for you, is there a friend or relative who could help? If you’d like to get online, contact Online Centres Network to find your nearest centre.


There might be a transport service such as Dial-a-Ride in your area. This is a door-to-door minibus service for people who can’t use public transport. Drivers are trained to help people who have mobility problems.


Sleep-in night care

We know that care requirements are sometimes 24 hour and not just 9-5 Monday-Friday. That’s why we have an overnight care service, so there’s a care worker on hand to support you – whatever your needs.


Your carer will require their own room and will be on-hand during the night in case of an emergency. This service is tailor made to client’s needs.


Anxieties or sleep deprivation can be improved with a sleep-in night carer there to support you. Good sleep is a fundamental human need. Knowing there’s a compassionate and professional care worker in your house can give you the peace of mind to get a good night’s rest. This helps recharge both your body and mind.



If you would benefit from personal care

The above is general advice however here at Klass Care, we specialise in working with customers and their families who require care in their own homes. We offer a unique service of personalised care visits which means that we will go above and beyond to make sure that the care you require is the care you receive.



If you would benefit from a discussion to see what options are right for you, then do call us on 01202 795 793 and we'd happily understand your needs and go from there.

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50-52 Ashley Road
BH14 9BN

©2024 by Klass Care Ltd. Company Number 11341949.

* Terms and conditions: In order to receive the 10% discount, the person you refer must pass the two-week cool off period. Discount does not apply to Live-In Care, Overnight Care or Short-Term holiday Care - offer only applies to standard Domiciliary packages of care. Ts & Cs apply.

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